Yangebup will be abuzz on Saturday 12 August as the Yangebup Family Centre celebrates 25 years of providing services with its free Community Open Day. Everyone is welcome to come along and join us. We are also searching for past members to come along to our celebrations.
Date: Saturday 12 August
Time: 10.00am – 2.00pm
Location: Yangebup Family Centre, 11 Dunraven Drive, Yangebup WA, 6164
This is a great day out for the whole family and a good opportunity to
find out what your local Family Centre and community groups have to offer. The Open Day is proudly supported by the City of Cockburn who have provided funding of $2000 to the Yangebup Family Centre to assist with the day.
The centre was officially opened on the 14 August 1992, by the then Premier Carmen Lawrence. We
are very honoured to have Dr Carmen Lawrence and the Hon Simone McGurk attending a special presentation at 1pm to celebrate our 25 years.
Originally the centre provided a place for families and young children with kindy, playgroup and occasional care. The centre has continued to provide these services in addition to providing a
home for many different groups, programs and activities over the years. The services offered have changed and adapted over time to suit the interests of the community.
The Yangebup Family Centre offers a hub for the community, a place where friendships are formed and nurtured, and where people of all ages and all walks of life can
really feel that they belong.
Many of our members have a long history with the centre. Marie Brand originally attended playgroup with her two daughters in 1992 and they both continued on to kindy. She currently attends playgroup with her daughter and two grandchildren as she believes that playgroup provides a great start for
children. Marie is also active in the community as a member of the Yangebup Progress Association and will be at the Open Day providing information on Neighbourhood Watch.
“The Yangebup Family Centre has provided me with a place to meet new friends and to be active in my community. The staff are wonderful and welcome
everyone to the centre. The centre has been a great support for my family” said Marie.
The day will include lots of free activities for the kids including a bouncy castle, animal farm, face painting, henna, community stalls, sausage sizzle, cakes and more. The Leeming Area Band Clarinet Ensemble and Choir4kids will provide entertainment.
The Open Day will also be an opportunity for residents to find out more about other programs and services offered in the community.
Yangebup Family Centre Manager Samantha Williams said that the centre was very proud to have been a part of the community for the last 25 years. This celebration has been a great opportunity to hear from many people who have made friendships at the centre and are still connected with these friendships after many years.
“We have also heard from people who have been able to implement many of the skills they have learnt at the centre and have gone on to gain employment or volunteer in the community.” added Mrs Williams.
Past members are encouraged to contact the centre 9417 9995 or register on www.trybooking.com/QZOK