The centre was buzzing on Friday 5 May with almost 300 people attending the Suq Al’usra Family Market. “Suq Al’usra” is arabic for “Family Market” and was chosen to celebrate the cultural heritage of staff member, Salma Al Saliby, who is originally from Jordan.
The Suq Al’usra Family Market
was proudly supported by Linkwest who provided $500 as part of the Neighbourhood House Week celebrations. Neighbourhood House Week, is a nationwide initiative to celebrate the role of neighbourhood centres in the community. A common thread that runs through every one of the 1000+ Centres across Australia (with over 150 in WA) is their inclusive nature: anyone and everyone is welcome, and members of the community are encouraged to help in the Centre’s organisation, management and use. All
this makes Neighbourhood Centres like the Yangebup Family Centre real hubs of their community, places where friendships are formed and nurtured, and where people of all ages and all walks of life can really feel that they belong.
In 2017, Neighbourhood House Week celebrates this sense of Belonging. Neighbourhood Centres belong to the community, and in turn they offer the community a welcoming space where
they can feel a part of something: a place to belong.
Yangebup Family Centre Manager, Samantha Williams, said that the Suq Al’usra Family Market was a great opportunity for the local community to come together. ‘There was a great atmosphere with live music, food and entertainment. The henna and Turbans and Trust were very popular and a great way for people to try something different. It was
also an excellent opportunity to talk with people from our community’.
Thank you to everyone who supported our event.